
My name is Heather. I’m a wife of 13 years to my wonderful husband and mom to 4 amazing children, who make me rely on Jesus and coffee daily! I spend my days studying Gods word, homeschooling my children, taking care of our home and reading the latest evidence on birth. Since I was a little girl, birth has fascinated me. I remember running home from school to watch “A Baby Story” on TV. When choosing a career path I knew I wanted to “help women”. I tossed around the idea of becoming a nurse and eventually settled on becoming a cosmetologist. I loved helping people feel their best! It wasn’t until I had my own baby that I discovered the need for several different types of support during pregnancy and birth. While my husband was a wonderful support, we both could have used an extra pair of hands so that we could be more present in the moment. This along with the birth of my second baby lead me to explore birth work. I eventually went on to have my 3rd and 4th babies at home with a wonderful midwife. In between my last two babies, in 2018, I trained with BEST Doula Training. I’m convinced God placed this calling on my heart and I feel blessed to walk this journey with other women.